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Members - If you have a problem logging in,
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Join Us

When you join the Masala Giving Circle, you:
Can enhance the lives of those in need
Have a greater Impact on the community using leveraged pooled monetary resources
Learn about local non-profits and the needs of underserved communities
Receive tax benefits of philanthropic giving
Interact with like-minded women
Minimum Membership Fee
$300 - Annual minimum membership contribution (tax-deductible and due to CFSC by 12/31). This annual pledge is payable annually, quarterly, or monthly.
$50 - Annual administrative fee (not tax-deductible - due upon joining Masala and by 10/31 each subsequent year). This fee supports the internal operations of our organization. Make checks payable to Masala Giving Circle.
Contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
Want to support our organization without joining as a Member? Donate now to Masala Giving Circle to support our mission!
Please be sure to search for and select “Masala Giving Circle” as the listed fund.
Please complete membership form. You may submit your application along with a $50 administrative fee (due and payable upon joining Masala and by October 31st each subsequent year) in person at a Masala Meeting or mail to:
Masala Giving Circle
P.O. Box 50002
Sarasota, Fl 34243
A minimum annual contribution of $300 per year is due by December 31st of the year you join. To make your annual contribution, please visit the Community Foundation of Sarasota online payment website. Please be sure to search and select “Masala Giving Circle" as the listed fund. (Payments made by made by credit card online).
You may also make your annual contribution by sending a check directly to the Community Foundation at the address listed below. Make your contribution check payable to the Community Foundation of Sarasota. Importantly, on the memo line, please write: Masala Giving Circle.
Mail to:
The Community Foundation of Sarasota County
2635 Fruitville Road
Sarasota, FL 34237
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